Call for Papers:
Deadline for submissions: May 25, 2025
Acta Anglica Tyrnaviensia is a double-blind peer-reviewed online academic journal published by the Department of British and American Studies of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Slovakia. The journal welcomes submissions of original research papers and book reviews in the following areas related to English studies:
Literature: This area covers critical analyses of British and American literature and literature of anglophone countries across various periods, genres, and theoretical perspectives. Submissions may explore literary history, textual analysis, cultural contexts, and the works of individual authors.
Theoretical Linguistics: This branch focuses on the fundamental principles and frameworks that underpin the study of language. Research in this area might investigate syntax, semantics, phonology, morphology, and other core aspects of linguistic theory.
Contrastive Linguistics: This field examines the similarities and differences between languages, often with a focus on English and other languages. Studies in this area can contribute to language pedagogy, translation studies, and cross-cultural communication.
Corpus Linguistics: This data-driven approach utilises large collections of language data (corpora) to investigate linguistic patterns and trends. Research in corpus linguistics can provide empirical evidence for theoretical claims and offer insights into language use in real-world contexts.
Applied Linguistics: This area explores the practical applications of linguistic theories and research to real-world problems, such as language teaching, language acquisition, language policy, and forensic linguistics.
Linguocultural Studies: This interdisciplinary field investigates the intricate relationship between language and culture. Research in this area explores how language shapes cultural identities, values, and practices, and how cultural factors influence language use.
Theory of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL): This field focuses on the principles and practices of teaching English to speakers of other languages. Research in TEFL may explore effective teaching methodologies, curriculum development, language assessment, and English language acquisition.
In addition to original research papers, Acta Anglica Tyrnaviensia also publishes book reviews. These reviews provide critical assessments of recently published scholarly works relevant to the journal's scope, keeping readers abreast of current developments in the field. Book reviews should offer insightful commentary and contribute to scholarly dialogue.
We are particularly interested in contemporary research that offers new insights and perspectives within these fields. All submissions should be written in academic English. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically as Word (.doc or .docx) files. Submissions must adhere to the journal's style guide, using the template available on the Acta Anglica Tyrnaviensia website:
All submitted manuscripts will undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process. Authors will be notified of the outcome of the review process in due course. For any inquiries regarding submissions, please contact the editors at:
We look forward to receiving your submissions.